6.16 File Name Convention

All Claim Detail Messages and Claim Detail Discrepancy Notifications files shall be named in accordance with the following syntax:




The name of the profile as defined in the appropriate Part of this standard (e.g. BasicCDMPostUsage for a Claim DetailMessage to communicate claims and/or invoice details in a post-usage context or OverClaimDiscrepancy for a Claim Detail Discrepancy Notification used to report overclaims). In case of retractions in accordance with Clause 5.3, the Message Type shall be set to CDMRetraction.


The Party Name or DDEX Party ID (DPID) of the Message Recipient (which may or may not be different from Licensor or Licensee). In the case of Claim Detail Messages, this is typically a Licensee; in the case of Claim Detail Discrepancy Notifications, this is typically a Rights Controller.

Note: DDEX Party IDs do not contain special characters.


The Party Name or DDEX Party ID (DPID) of the Message Sender (which may or may not be different from the Licensor or the Licensee). In the case Claim Detail Messages, this is typically a Licensor; Claim Detail Discrepancy Notifications, this is typically a Licensee.

This information shall be the same as that which is conveyed in the Header Record of the Claim Detail Message or Claim Detail Discrepancy Notification. Note: DDEX Party IDs do not contain special characters.


A description of the service name (e.g. a service tier) to be reported on as agreed by Licensor and Licensee. Multiple tiers can be communicated by separating them with dashes.

This information shall be the same as the information conveyed in the file Header and it is recommended to be the same as used in the filename the message is in response to.


The reporting Period covered by the Message in accordance with ISO 8601. The only allowed syntaxes are:

  • yyyy for a year

  • yyyy-mm for a month

  • yyyy-mm-dd for a day

  • yyyy-qq for a quarter

  • yyyy-ww for a week (starting on a Monday)

  • yyyy-mm-dd--yyyy-mm-dd with the two dates being the start and end date of the period (note the two dashes between the two dates).


The territory in which the sales/usage transactions took place in respect of which the Claim Detail Message or Claim Detail Discrepancy Notification is in respect of.

The TerritoryOfUseOrSale shall be provided as a single ISO Territory Code if one territory is to be communicated. Otherwise, the Licensor and Licensee(s) shall agree a value acceptable to both/all.


The date and time on which the Claim Detail Message or Claim Detail Discrepancy Notification was created. The only allowed format is the full basic ISO 8601 format without a time zone designator: yyyyymmddthhmmss. The time zone is assumed to be the one of the Message Sender's (which may or may not be different from Licensor or Licensee) location.


The file extension, to be “.tsv.
When the file is compressed, for example with gzip, the extension should indicate this and may be .tsv.gz.

The following constraints apply:

  1. None of the file name elements may contain an underscore character.

  2. None of the file name elements may contain a space character.

  3. When a file name element is to be omitted, the two underscore characters to the left and right follow each other immediately.

  4. Other file naming conventions may be agreed on a bilateral basis (specifically for testing).