5.4 Corrections

If a Licensor needs to correct a Claim Detail Message where some information sent in the original Claim Detail Message needs correcting while other information does not, the Licensor shall clearly mark the new Claim Detail Message as containing corrections. Such corrected Claim Detail Messages shall use the same references to the DSR (or equivalent) Message in cases where a Claim Detail Message is sent in response to such a DSR (or equivalent) Message, including the same SalesTransactionIds (or equivalent), as were used in the original Claim Detail Message. However, the new Claim Detail Message shall have its own unique MessageId.

To remove an individual claim from a Claim Detail Message, the Licensor shall set the relevant claim percentages to 0%.

To remove an individual invoice detail item from a Claim Detail Message, the Licensor shall set the relevant revenue figures to 0.

The format used to communicate such corrections follows the rules of the Profile of the corrected Claim Detail Message, albeit with different Record Types. Details are provided in the relevant Profiles.

Unless specifically indicating otherwise, Corrections of Claim Detail Messages are considered to be Claim Detail Messages themselves.

Claim Detail Discrepancy Notifications cannot be corrected.